Dear Friends,
One of my favorite podcasts in the world comes from The Naked Lunch and it's host Ricky D. The guy puts a TON of effort into each episode with intros, sound bytes and well researched arguments. It's the show that opened me up to Wes Anderson films after I'd denounced them totally. Don't think it's for mega film geeks or snobs, because if it was, I wouldn't listen. It's for everyone with an interest in movies.
I highly recommend popping it on your ipod or other music player and listening to it when you walk to work in the morning (good for the environment you know, and your ass or arse for some) or are on the bus. Any way, Ricky needs your help. I need you to please vote for him in an upcoming podcast awards. It will mean a lot to him to win. His shows are produced out of love and that's about it. He spends a lot of his free time for no cash working on this show and the results are there. So even if you haven's listened and don't intend to (ok some people are lazy) please breeze through his message below and click on the link. It only takes a second to vote.
Thank you guys!
A note from The Naked Lunch and Ricky D:
Hey I hate to ask you to do this again but I would not ask unless it was really important to me.
Last time I asked if you guys could vote for me as best podcast at one internet site. Those votes got us enough exposure to be nominated for the 2008 World Podcast Awards! That`s right baby – The Academy Awards of radio shows! Out of 281 000 shows we are one of 10 to be nominated for best TV Film and entertainment podcast.
They base their criteria on …
• Quality of Website Design 15%
• Quality of Sound 15%
• Quality of Podcast Delivery and Show Format 10%
• Relevance of Content 20%
This is huge for us. It is mass free advertising and it will take us from being a little unknown show to a world wide success.
I am asking you all once last time to please PLEASE VOTE for our show.
It only take two seconds and it is the last time. I swear.
Here is the link to vote for us. We are listed under Film and TV – Naked Lunch Radio http://www.podcastawards.c
You can vote only once a day for 15 days. Please do not vote more than once from your computer or it will cancel out your votes.
I will be happy with just one vote but if you guys can take a second and vote more than just one day – I won`t complain – also asking your friends and family to vote would be awesome
Thank you so much if you do vote.
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