Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Diablo + Roger + Blog Comment = Jealousy

If you've ever wanted to get the attention of a celebrity, someone who you really admire and know a bit about (though not in the stalker kind of way) and felt so tiny you might just disappear, you know the way I feel right now.

I'm an avid reader of screenwriter Diablo Cody's blog on Myspace (easy since I subscribe) and I was surprised to see she mentioned Roger Ebert. He has to be the only man that gets love from everyone, even when he tears them a new one. Good thing he seems to admire Cody equally as much as she admires him.

In this case, R.E. throws in a touching mention of Cody's masterpiece Juno at the end of a blog entry of his own. Some Aussie student comes out with a little gem of a comment on how Roger Ebert is all about redemption and boom! He's featured in the damn blog...

Fact: Roger Ebert is my hero. I doubt Mr. Soloman Wakeling (the poster R.E. features in his blog) can say the same. Yet, I'm also ashamed that I could feel jealous that Mr. Wakeling has been picked out of the masses as someone who captured the attention of a man who has quite possibly seen it all (or something close to it). I really think it's quite cool.

So here's to all the people I want to meet and seem to have created this circle at which I'm kept dancing just outside. Take a page out of Mr. Ebert's book...read the comments on your website and throw us a bone sometime. You have magic in your life every day, you meet hundreds of fans, yet one email from you might just mean the world to someone.


Big Mike Mendez said...

If you keep writing as well as you do in your own voice, I'm sure Rog will take notice someday. :)

Solomon Wakeling said...

You're wrong, he was my hero! I wrote to him a few years later and it took some prompting for him to remember who I was. It was a thrill to get that recognition for some modest (!) efforts, but what means the most to me is what I've learned from his body of work. I cried when he passed away, what a great man!

*He initially spelled my name "Soloman" rather than "Solomon". I never thought to search for my misspelled name in google before, but I was vain enough to think of it today!

Jen said...

I never saw this comment somehow. I'm so glad to hear you were such a huge fan. Magic!